High School Student Services
The vision of Robinson HS Student Services is that all students will graduate from high school with the skills, knowledge, and character necessary to reach their full potential and be college and career ready.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Robinson HS Student Services Department, in partnership with the Robinson community, is to provide equal access to a comprehensive counseling program for all students through the support of academic, career, and personal/social counseling that prepares them to be self-advocates and confident life-long learners who are respectful and responsible global citizens of high character.
- Robinson's High School, Student Services Department, is located in the Main Hallway.

Travis Hess
- High School Student Services
- World Languages
- Lunch Duty
Administrative Assistant & High School Registrar
Our High School Student Services Staff recently met the requirements to earn the prestigious RAMP (Recognized ASCA Model Program) award. The RAMP designation recognizes schools that successfully demonstrate how their comprehensive school counseling programs benefit all students. The HS counselors worked incredibly hard to earn this achievement. Their RAMP application, which was submitted in Oct 2016, was a culmination of 2+ years’ work. The final submission included well over 100 pages of narratives and reports reflecting data collections from each individual counselor. Our HS counselors were also recognized county-wide at the start of this school year for their use of data to support student success. They received the award and were recognized at the 2017 American School Counselor Association’s National Conference in Denver, Colorado!