High School Testing
HS Non-Writing and Writing SOL Testing
HS Non-Writing and Writing SOL Testing
Across Virginia, high school students take Standards of Learning (SOL) End-of-Course (EOC) tests. View list of Verified Credit Requirements.
There are 2 writing testing windows: Fall (October 16-20) and Spring (March 3-19).
There are 3 non-writing testing windows: Summer (September 6-15), Fall (December 4-15), and Spring (April 22 - May 23).
The Spring Non-Writing SOL window is the largest. All SOL tests are taken in-person at school. Our staff will schedule specific SOL testing dates for your student.
For the Spring 2025 Non-Writing SOL window, most students will test on May 1 (Reading SOLs), May 9 (Science SOLs) and May 13 (Math SOLs). There will be a modified bell schedule on those days. -->
- State law requires students to verify credit for high school courses to fulfill graduation requirements for a standard or advanced studies diploma. For additional information regarding graduation requirements see the Graduation Requirements and Course Planning webpage (https://www.fcps.edu/academics/graduation-requirements-and-course-planning). SOL tests are the most common way students earn the verified credits they need. SOL tests are designed to measure what students have learned of the content and skills detailed in the Virginia Standards of Learning.
- Additionally, federal law requires schools to offer students one SOL test in reading, mathematics, and science while they are in grades 9-12. The tests provide information about student achievement to the parent, school, school division, and state.
- Scores are available for families in ParentVUE no later than the start of the next school year.
- Students are reminded that they should be regularly restarting their FCPSOn laptops at school while connected to the network to make sure their devices are updated and ready for testing. Please take your device to the Tech Office (E108) if you are having difficulty. A testing device will be provided only for students whose families have opted them out of the FCPSOn program.
Testing Schedule
SOL Practice Links
TestNav8 Download Instructions
If you have questions about SOL testing contact the Assessment Coach, Kim Longworth. Contact information is at the bottom of this page.
WorkKeys® assessments
WorkKeys® assessments
The Virginia Department of Education has approved ACT WorkKeys® assessments as substitutes for certain graduation requirements. WorkKeys assessments are especially commonly used as a substitute for the Writing SOL, as the assessment is shorter and more focused, and there are more testing opportunities during the school year.
- The Business Writing test may be used as a substitute for the Standards of Learning (SOL) End-of-Course (EOC) English: Writing Test. (Score of 3 or higher is required.)
- The Workplace Documents test may be used as a substitute for the SOL EOC English: Reading Test. (Score of 4 or higher is required.)
- The Workplace Documents, Applied Math, and Graphic Literacy tests can be used to earn the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), which fulfills the industry credential requirement for students who entered ninth grade for the first time prior to 2018-2019 and are scheduled to graduate by June 2022 with a standard diploma. (Score of 3 or higher on each test is required.)
Robinson will offer the ACT WorkKeys Business Writing assessment to all students that need a verified credit for English Writing. This standardized, timed test is approved by VDOE to fulfill the writing verified credit requirement and consists of a single business-related writing prompt administered online, in-person at school. Contact the school for more information or visit: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/workkeys-for-employers/assessments/business-writing.html
If you have questions about WorkKeys or SOL testing contact the Assessment Coach, Kim Longworth. Contact information is at the bottom of this page.
IB Diploma and Advanced Placement Program
Spring 2025 Testing Schedule Coming Soon
Advanced Academics Testing Schedule Spring 2024
May 2024 IB and AP Exam Schedule | |||
Date | Time | Exam | Exam Location |
Thursday, April 25 | 11:45-2:30 | Physics HL | Davala Hall |
Thursday, April 25 | 11:45-2:15 | Physics SL | Davala Hall |
Friday, April 26 | 8:00-10:45 | Physics HL | Davala Hall |
Friday, April 26 | 8:00-9:45 | Physics SL | Davala Hall |
Friday, April 26 | 11:45-3:00 | Business HL | Recital Hall |
Friday, April 26 | 12:45-2:30 | Business SL | Davala Hall |
Friday, April 26 | 11:45-2:30 | Philosophy HL | C107 |
Friday, April 26 | 12:45-2:45 | Philosophy SL | Davala Hall |
Wednesday, May 1 | 8:45-10:45 | Business HL | Field House |
Wednesday, May 1 | 8:45-10:30 | Business SL | Field House |
Wednesday, May 1 | 8:00-10:45 | Philosophy HL | Field House |
Wednesday, May 1 | 8:45-10:00 | Philosophy SL | Field House |
Wednesday, May 1 | 11:45-2:00 | Math Analysis HL/Math Applications HL | Field House |
Wednesday, May 1 | 11:45-1:30 | Math Applications SL | Field House |
Thursday, May 2 | 8:45-11:00 | Math Analysis HL/Math Applications HL | Field House |
Thursday, May 2 | 8:45-10:30 | Math Applications SL | Field House |
Thursday, May 2 | 12:45-2:00 | Environmental Systems | Field House |
Monday, May 6 | 8:00-10:15 | Environmental Systems | Field House |
Monday, May 6 | 11:45-2:45 | German HL/SL | Field House |
Monday, May 6 | 11:45-2:00 | Latin HL | Field House |
Monday, May 6 | 11:45-1:30 | Latin SL | Field House |
Monday, May 6 | 12:45-2:00 | Math Analysis HL/Math Applications HL | Field House |
Tuesday, May 7 | 8:45-10:00 | German HL/SL | HL (C110 ) SL (C115) Ab initio (C118) |
Tuesday, May 7 | 8:45-10:30 | Latin HL/SL | C100 |
Tuesday, May 7 | 12:00 - 4:00 | AP Statistics | Field House |
Tuesday, May 7 | 11:45-2:45 | Topics | Davala Hall |
Wednesday, May 8 | 8:00-10:45 | Topics | Davala Hall |
Wednesday, May 8 | 12:00-4:00 | AP Government | Field House |
Wednesday, May 8 | 11:45-2:00 | Chemistry SL | Davala Hall |
Wednesday, May 8 | 11:45-2:30 | Design Technology | Davala Hall |
Thursday, May 9 | 8:45-10:15 | Chemistry SL | Field House |
Thursday, May 9 | 11:45-2:15 | English Literature/Language and Literature | Field House |
Friday, May 10 | 8:00-10:15 | English Literature/Language and Literature | Field House |
Friday, May 10 | 12:45-2:30 | Geography | Field House |
Friday, May 10 | 11:45-2:00 | Psychology HL/SL | HL (Field House) SL (Davala Hall) |
Friday, May 10 | 11:45-2:00 | Social Anthropology HL | Field House |
Friday, May 10 | 12:45-2:30 | Social Anthropology SL | Field House |
Monday, May 13 | 8:45-10:15 | Geography | Field House |
Monday, May 13 | 8:00-11:15 | Psychology HL | Field House |
Monday, May 13 | 8:00-9:15 | Psychology SL | Davala Hall |
Monday, May 13 | 8:00-10:45 | Social Anthropology HL | Field House |
Monday, May 13 | 8:45-10:30 | Social Anthropology SL | Field House |
Monday, May 13 | 11:45-2:30 | Biology HL | Field House |
Monday, May 13 | 11:45-2:15 | Biology SL | Field House |
Tuesday, May 14 | 8:00-10:15 | Biology HL | Field House |
Tuesday, May 14 | 8:00-9:15 | Biology SL | Field House |
Tuesday, May 14 | 11:45-2:45 | Spanish HL/SL | Field House |
Wednesday, May 15 | 8:45-10:00 | Spanish HL/SL | HL (Field House), SL (Davala Hall), Ab initio (C105) |
Wednesday, May 15 | 11:45-1:45 | Economics HL/SL | Field House |
Thursday, May 16 | 8:00-11:15 | Economics HL | B108 |
Thursday, May 16 | 8:45-10:15 | Economics SL | Recital Hall |
Thursday, May 16 | 11:45-2:45 | French HL/SL | B108 |
Friday, May 17 | 8:45-10:00 | French HL/SL | SL (C210), HL (C100), Ab initio (C118) |
Friday, May 24 | 8:00-12:00 | AP Calculus AB/BC | Davala Hall |
AP Exam Information http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/ AP Central is the official online home for anyone involved with the AP Programs. The site includes extensive exam information, test dates, & fee information.
Saturday SAT testing
***School Test Code: CEEB 470789*** When filling out information for standardized testing, you will need the College Entrance Examination Board number.
For questions about the day of the test, contact our site coordinator Iram Amir at @email. Arrival time is printed on your test ticket.
Free Test Preparation
Free Online Test Prep through Robinson Secondary Library/Media Center Website Free online test prep is available for Robinson students through the GALE Research Database available on the Library/Media center website. Password for this site is available on the Library/Media Center Blackboard 24/7 page.
Test Optional Colleges and Universities
Lists of colleges and universities that make SAT/ACT scores optional for admissions.
NOVA Placement Tests (administered at Robinson Secondary School)
TBA – English TBA – Math Space is limited No fee Pre-Registration is required. Registration process will be announced in April via email. Students must have completed a NOVA application prior to testing. A picture ID and a NOVA Student ID number are required to take the Placement Tests. As an alternative, students can also take the placement tests at the Testing Center on the NOVA Annandale Campus. https://www.nvcc.edu/Annandale/testing/index.html For more information about the VPT Placement Tests: https://www.nvcc.edu/testing/placement.html
October 9 2024 - PSAT/NMSQT
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is pleased to announce plans to offer the Preliminary SAT (PSAT)/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) to students in grades 10-11 this fall. The test will be administered on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, and will be free of charge to enrolled FCPS students. The purpose of this letter is to provide general information about the PSAT/NMSQT School Day opportunity. This letter also provides time-sensitive information about testing accommodations for students with disabilities.
Digital Format in Fall 2024: This fall, the PSAT/NMSQT will be administered in a digital format. Students and families can find more information on the College Board Digital SAT Suite of Assessments webpage (https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/digital). Some testing accommodations are administered differently for digital tests than for paper/pencil tests. See below for information about accommodations for students with disabilities.
The PSAT/NMSQT is a standardized test that measures mathematics and evidence-based reading and writing. The test focuses on reasoning skills, knowledge, and comprehension. It is designed to promote college readiness while preparing students for college entrance assessments. Information about test content and format can be found on the College Board PSAT/NMSQT webpage (https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10/inside-the-test/key-features). The PSAT/NMSQT is co-sponsored by the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. While only students in grade 11 are eligible to compete for National Merit Scholarships, students in grade 10 who take the PSAT/NMSQT gain excellent practice for the PSAT/NMSQT in grade 11 and the SAT college entrance assessment.
The PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide can be found on the College Board website (https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/psat-nmsqt-student-guide.pdf).
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities who have testing accommodations documented in a 504 Plan or an individualized education program (IEP) may be eligible for testing accommodations on the PSAT/NMSQT. However, the College Board must approve a formal request for each student.
- If the student already has accommodations approved by College Board from a previous PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, SAT, or AP test, there is no need to resubmit accommodation requests. Once instated, accommodations remain in place for all College Board testing. See the College Board webpage for information about using accommodations on digital tests (https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/digital/accommodations-digital-testing/using-accommodations-digital-tests).
- Enclosures 1-3 and the Accommodations Process for College Board Testing webpage (https://www.fcps.edu/node/38355) provide information on the FCPS process to request accommodations for College Board tests. If requesting new testing accommodations for PSAT/NMSQT, the required input and consent forms are due to the school by August 8, 2024.
We are excited to be able to provide this opportunity for tenth and eleventh graders in October. Stay tuned for more information about the PSAT/NMSQT at the beginning of the school year. Information can also be found on the FCPS PSAT Assessments webpage (https://www.fcps.edu/node/42102).
October 9 2024 - SAT School Day
On Wednesday, October 9, Robinson Secondary School twelfth graders will have the opportunity to participate in the SAT School Day. FCPS will cover the cost for any twelfth grade student to take this test. The essay option and subject area tests are not available during SAT School Day.
To reserve a seat for your twelfth grader to take this exam and ensure appropriate test materials are available for your student, families are asked to complete the form below by Wednesday, September 6.
Robinson Secondary School: 2024 SAT School Day Intent to Participate Form (https://forms.gle/7zZ6N5LjpL3q5ERy9)
Your student will need to use a @fcpsschools.net email account to access and complete this form. A translated version of the form content may be found on the SAT School Day Intent Form webpage (https://www.fcps.edu/node/43896). FCPS sites cannot accept walk-ins on the day of the exam.
General information about the SAT School Day test format is available on the College Board webpage (https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/taking-the-test/sat-in-school). The SAT student guide can also be found there (https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/pdf/sat-student-guide.pdf).
Students should bring 2 (non-mechanical) number 2 pencils and their own approved calculator. See this link on the College Board site for a description and list of approved calculators.
Directions on how to access scores and score release dates are published by College Board via the College Board website. Note that the Common App early decision deadline is November 1, 2024; however, SAT school day scores are also scheduled to post on November 1, 2024. Therefore, students who are applying for early decision should consider registering for an SAT weekend administration.
We will share exam day schedules and additional details in the coming weeks. Students' @fcpsschools.net emails and school websites will be the primary means of communication for the SAT School Day and should be checked frequently for updates. If you have questions about the SAT School Day administration at Robinson High School, please contact the Assessment Coach Kim Longworth at @email.
Free Test Preparation
All FCPS students have access Tutor.com and Khan Academy’s free online test preparation, whether they are taking the SAT for the first time or have previously tested.
Tutor.com is accessible via Schoology and provides live tutoring services, including SAT preparation.
For students who have taken or plan to take the SAT, official SAT Practice is available on Khan Academy®. The Khan Academy online curriculum is customized for students based on any previous PSAT or SAT scores, and their website also offers general test preparation tips for students.
Khan Academy and the College Board analyzed gains between the PSAT/NMSQT and the SAT and found a positive relationship between use of Official SAT Practice and score improvements on the SAT. The following video demonstrates How to Link College Board + Khan Academy Accounts.
Free online test prep is available for Robinson students through the GALE Research Database available on the Library/Media center website. Password for this site is available on the Library/Media Center Blackboard 24/7 page. For details go to: Testing & Education Reference Center
For questions, contact the following coordinators:
IB Coordinators
Saturday SAT
- Administrative Assistant I
SSD Coordinator (accommodations for College Board tests)
For all other testing inquiries:
- Assessment Coach