Robinson Student Ram Page | March 24, 2025

GovDelivery19 hours 31 minutes ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

  • Quarter End, Eid al-Fitr, and Student Holiday

Friday, March 28, is the last day of the third quarter. It is a full day of school for students. 

All FCPS schools and offices are closed on Monday, March 31, for Eid al-Fitr. Tuesday, April 1, is a student holiday and teacher workday. See the complete school year calendar.

The Gradebook in SIS ParentVUE and StudentVUE will be closed for the end of the quarter from Friday, March 28, at 4 p.m. to Monday, April 7, at 6 a.m.

Learn how to activate your ParentVUE account to easily access grade reports and other helpful information about your child.

MYP Project Exhibition Night PTSO's "This Is For You" Event Rams Minds Matter Robinson PTSO Scholarships

Seniors Apply Now for PTSO Scholarships! Deadline = April 25, 2025

Robinson PTSO awards scholarships for graduating seniors who will pursue post-secondary education including vocational, two-year and four-year programs.

There are three scholarships available:

DELTA Scholarship - a Robinson Senior who has had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and who has overcome obstacles on the road to either academic or social success.

First to College - a Robinson Senior who is the first in their immediate family to attend college or a student whose parents have not earned a four year undergraduate degree.

Friends of Robinson -  a Robinson Senior who exemplifies compassion and kindness towards others in their school community, and whose acts of kindness have made a positive impact on the Robinson community.

 (IMPORTANT: Access the applications from a non-FCPS email account). 

Each scholarship is valued between $500 to $1000. This year, more than one scholarship per category may be awarded!

Seniors may apply, or submit a nomination for any of the scholarships they feel they are best qualified to receive. Deadline to apply is April 25, 2025!  

Once you have submitted your form, please also email [email protected]  so we can make sure to track it!

If you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected]

Apply for the President's Volunteer Service Award - Due 4/1/25 Social Work Spotlight

Happy Spring! What better way to kick off the start of Spring than with a 30 day challenge! Let's refresh and engage in some self-care!

Robinson Crew Taco Bamba Fundraiser Robinson Mulch Sale Fundraiser ANGP Online Auction 3/14-3/24 All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

3/27 | 4/24 | 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

March 28 - End of Quarter 3

March 31 - Eid-Al-Fitr (Holiday)

April1 - Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)

April 14-18 - Spring Break (Holidays)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair

[email protected]

Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | March 17, 2025

GovDelivery1 week ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

  • The Council for Art Education (CFAE) administers Youth Art Month. Youth Art Month encourages support for quality school art programs, and promotes art material safety. The program provides a medium for recognizing skills developed through visual arts experiences unlike any other curriculum subjects, including:
  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Observation
  • Communication

Art shows, special exhibits, fundraisers, and school and community activities take place annually, traditionally during March, to celebrate visual art education for grades K-12.

March has also been designated by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) for the observance of Music In Our Schools Month® (MIOSM®), the time of year when music education becomes the focus of schools across the nation. The purpose of MIOSM is to raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children – and to remind citizens that school is where all children should have access to music. MIOSM is an opportunity for music teachers to bring their music programs to the attention of the school and the community, and to display the benefits that school music brings to students of all ages.

Theatre In Our Schools (TIOS) is a celebration of theatre in our schools and schools in our theatres. Sponsored by the American Alliance for Theatre & Education (AATE) and the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA), the goals of TIOS are to raise public awareness of the impact of theatre education and draw attention to the need for more access to quality programs in and out of school for all students. While TIOS presentations and advocacy may happen anytime in schools, theatres, and other public spaces, AATE and EdTA will recognize and promote March as the official Theatre In Our Schools month.

MYP Project Exhibition Night PTSO's "This Is For You" Event Apply for the President's Volunteer Service Award - Due 4/1/25 From the Robinson Parent Liaison 2025 Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs

Looking for a job, internship, or volunteer opportunity? Don't miss the Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs!

For the past eight years, Fairfax County, in partnership with Fairfax County Public Schools and many community organizations, has hosted successful job fairs for teens. This year, the fairs offer two opportunities for students to connect with local employers and explore career options.

What to Expect:

  • Meet with local businesses: Find full-time, after-school, seasonal, and volunteer positions.
  • Explore internships: Gain valuable experience and build your resume.
  • Attend career-building workshops: Learn resume writing and interview skills.
  • Free for all Fairfax County Teens: Student registration is completely free!

2025 Fair Schedule:

  • Saturday, March 8th, 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: West Springfield High School
  • Saturday, March 15th, 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: Chantilly High School

Register here Student registration

Ferias de Empleo para Adolescentes del Condado de Fairfax 2025

¿Buscas un empleo, una pasantía o una oportunidad de voluntariado? ¡No te pierdas las Ferias de Empleo para Adolescentes del Condado de Fairfax! Durante los últimos ocho años, el Condado de Fairfax, en colaboración con las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Fairfax y muchas organizaciones comunitarias, ha organizado ferias de empleo exitosas para adolescentes. Este año, las ferias ofrecen dos oportunidades para que los estudiantes se conecten con empleadores locales y exploren opciones de carrera.

Qué esperar:

  • Conocer empresas locales: Encuentra puestos de tiempo completo, después de la escuela, de temporada y de voluntariado.
  • Explorar pasantías: Obtén experiencia valiosa y construye tu currículum.
  • Asistir a talleres de desarrollo profesional: Aprende a redactar currículums y habilidades para entrevistas.
  • Gratis para todos los adolescentes del Condado de Fairfax: ¡La inscripción de estudiantes es completamente gratuita!

Calendario de las Ferias 2025:

  • Sábado, 8 de marzo, 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: West Springfield High School
  • Sábado, 15 de marzo, 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: Chantilly High School

Inscríbete aquí Student registration

Varsity Tutors-Online Tutoring Services at No Cost

To support student learning, Fairfax County is now providing all students with free access to online tutoring, live instructional classes, essay editing services, and various study materials through a partnership with Varsity Tutors. Learn more about: online tutoring with Varsity Tutors

Social Work Spotlight Robinson Mulch Sale Fundraiser ANGP Online Auction 3/14-3/24 All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

3/27 | 4/24 | 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

March 28 - End of Quarter 3

March 31 - Eid-Al-Fitr (Holiday)

April1 - Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)

April 14-18 - Spring Break (Holidays)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair

[email protected]

Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | March 10, 2025

GovDelivery2 weeks ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history.Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Read more about Women’s History Month in National Geographic Kids.

MYP Project Exhibition Night PTSO's "This Is For You" Event

Thank you to Robinson’s families for sending in new card games for our students! We appreciate your generosity and support.

As we look toward spring, students keep an eye on the Library Schoology site for additional opportunities to enjoy our games during RAISE.

~ Robinson’s Librarians

Rho Kappa Candy Grams Social Work Spotlight Robinson Mulch Sale Fundraiser ANGP Online Auction 3/14-3/24 All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

3/27 | 4/24 | 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

March 28 - End of Quarter 3

March 31 - Eid-Al-Fitr (Holiday)

April1 - Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)

April 14-18 - Spring Break (Holidays)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair

[email protected]

Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | March 3, 2025

GovDelivery3 weeks ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

Read Across America Day was established by the National Education Association (NEA) in 1998 to help get kids excited about reading. Learn more about Equitable Access to Literacy in this video.

National School Social Work Week

March 2-8 is National School Social Work Week. Social workers in FCPS help to prevent social, emotional, and behavioral factors from affecting a student's ability to perform at their best. Their primary goal is to remove barriers that prevent a student from fulfilling their academic potential. Social workers are assigned to every school and center in the school system. Most social workers serve one to two sites. Learn more about the role of social workers in FCPS.

MYP Project Exhibition Night Information Regarding Eating Disorders

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA 2023), Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. In the United States, 28.8 million Americans will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives. There is no single cause of an eating disorder. Rather, it is a complex combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors that converge and set off an individual’s predisposed genetic vulnerability.

In collaboration with the Fairfax County Health Department, FCPS has developed a web page with detailed information and resources to be provided to parents and guardians of Fairfax County Public Schools. This information may be found at Eating Disorders

Resources for Immigrants in Fairfax County From Robinson's Parent Liaison FCPS Family Academy Offers Free Webinars and Events for Families

In March, the Family Academy will offer the following webinars and events presented by the Family Resource Center (FRC):

Click on the titles for more information or to register. Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage.

Upcoming Events with the Family Academy

You play a vital role in your child's educational journey. The Family Academy compiles a range of classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by FCPS, aimed at assisting you in supporting your child's needs and learning within the home environment. We encourage you to browse the opportunities available Family Academy offerings.

2025 Family Summit - Beyond Labels: Nurturing a Culture of Belonging! (an Extension of the Special Education Conference)

Families, educators, and community members are invited to the 2025 FCPS Family Summit: Beyond Labels: Nurturing a Culture of Belonging. Fairfax County Public Schools, in partnership with valued community members, will host this free, in-person event. The summit will be held Saturday, March 15, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at South Lakes High School.

This event will feature: 

  • Opening Session: Julie Causton and Kristie Pretti-Frontczak — best-selling authors, motivational speakers, and advocates for inclusion — will share practical tools and evidence-based strategies to empower and assist all families, with a special emphasis on parents of students with individual education programs (IEPs) and 504 Plans.
  • Breakout Sessions: Learn more about special education and global topics that benefit all families.
  • Student Showcase: FCPS students will share their efforts in fostering inclusivity through posters, essays, videos, songs, art, and other mediums.
  • Exhibitor Hall: Discover valuable resources and services in the community to support families.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with other families, staff, and community partners.

Childcare will be provided. Special education staff will be available to care for children with high support needs. You may sign up for childcare during the registration process

Learn more about this event and register today! Contact [email protected] for more information.

Military Families

MFLC are licensed professional counselors, provide short-term-solution focused counseling, help to address the day-to-day stressors of military life and the impact of deployment and reintegration.  Services are free and confidential unless it is a duty to warn situation.  For an MFLC to see your child a consent form must be signed and on file.  They are available in English and Spanish.  Please feel free to contact Ms. Andersen at 571-419-1794 if you have any questions. You can find her at Robinson on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Social Work Spotlight   Family Resource Center is Offering FREE Webinars with Dr. Dalton!

Anxiety in the Context of Autism: What Parents Need to Know
March 7, 2025
10 - 11:30 a.m.
Join Dr. Jonathan Dalton, PhD, founder and director of the Center for Anxiety and Behavioral Change as he presents on the critical differences in the treatment of anxiety in Neurotypical (allistic) and Autistic children. We will focus on the differences between fear and dread and why traditional anxiety treatment approaches are often insufficient when treating Autistic youth. We will build parenting skills that families can use to help relieve the anxious suffering of their autistic children.

Register HERE

ANGP Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser: Spirit Week All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

3/27 | 4/24 | 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

March 28 - End of Quarter 3

March 31 - Eid (Holiday)

April1 - Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)

April 14-18 - Spring Break (Holidays)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair

[email protected]

Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | February 24th, 2025

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

Public Schools Week is an annual celebration that brings together school leaders, educators, parents & community leaders to recognize the importance of our nation’s public schools.

Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28, 2025

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has issued a new, first-time waiver allowing students fasting during the school day from February 28 to March 28, 2025, to request take-home breakfast and lunch meal kits. The Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) will provide meal kits reflecting the school menu. Meals will be kept cold and must be heated at home. Students may claim one breakfast and one lunch kit per day. If a student purchases breakfast or lunch at school, they cannot pick up a kit that day. Meal kits must be picked up by students at the end of the school day—adults cannot collect them. Parents or guardians must submit a weekly request form via the FCPS FNS website by the deadlines:

  • February 24, 2025, for February 28 and the week of March 3, 2025
  • March 3, 2025, for the week of March 10, 2025
  • March 10, 2025, for the week of March 17, 2025
  • March 17, 2025, for the week of March 24, 2025

Forms must be submitted on time to receive meal kits for the following week.

Alternative Lunch Location for Ramadan College Partnership Program Robinson Rams Spirit Wear Sale

Robinson Rams Spirit Wear SALE ALERT!  For a limited time, take up to 50% off select spirit wear.  This is your chance to gear up for less, from hoodies and quarter zips to tees and shorts.  Check out the SALE today at!  While supplies last.

Social Work Spotlight   Family Resource Center is Offering FREE Webinars with Dr. Dalton!

Anxiety in the Context of Autism: What Parents Need to Know
March 7, 2025
10 - 11:30 a.m.
Join Dr. Jonathan Dalton, PhD, founder and director of the Center for Anxiety and Behavioral Change as he presents on the critical differences in the treatment of anxiety in Neurotypical (allistic) and Autistic children. We will focus on the differences between fear and dread and why traditional anxiety treatment approaches are often insufficient when treating Autistic youth. We will build parenting skills that families can use to help relieve the anxious suffering of their autistic children.

Register HERE

ANGP Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser: Spirit Week All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

2/27 | 3/27 | 4/24 | 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

February 28 - Ramadan Begins

March 28 - End of Quarter 3

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair

[email protected]

Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | February 17th, 2025

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

All schools and offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, for the Presidents Day holiday. See the complete school year calendar.

Robinson International Show

The Robinson International Show has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 19th.  Tickets purchased for the original date will be honored.  You my still purchase tickets online here.  We look forward to seeing you!

Seussical the Musical | 2/14-2/22

Experience a magical, musical extravaganza with all your favorite Dr. Seuss characters! The Cat in the Hat and Horton the Elephant take you on a journey from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus to the World of the Who’s — and a little boy with a big imagination proves that a person is a person, no matter how small. This show is appropriate for ALL AGES.

Robinson Crew Boosters Club Fundraiser FIVE GUYS Robinson Rams Spirit Wear Sale

Robinson Rams Spirit Wear SALE ALERT!  For a limited time, take up to 50% off select spirit wear.  This is your chance to gear up for less, from hoodies and quarter zips to tees and shorts.  Check out the SALE today at!  While supplies last.

Social Work Spotlight   Family Resource Center is Offering FREE Webinars with Dr. Dalton!

Parenting an Anxious Child :Counterintuitive yet Evidence-Based Skills and Strategies
February 21, 2025
1 - 2:30 p.m.
Join Dr. Jonathan Dalton, PhD, founder and director of the Center for Anxiety and Behavioral Change as he reviews the important differences between healthy and unhealthy anxiety with a focus on the role of avoidance in creating and maintaining anxiety disorders. We will discuss specific parenting techniques and approaches that families can begin using immediately to help reduce their children's experience of anxiety.

Anxiety in the Context of Autism: What Parents Need to Know
March 7, 2025
10 - 11:30 a.m.
Join Dr. Jonathan Dalton, PhD, founder and director of the Center for Anxiety and Behavioral Change as he presents on the critical differences in the treatment of anxiety in Neurotypical (allistic) and Autistic children. We will focus on the differences between fear and dread and why traditional anxiety treatment approaches are often insufficient when treating Autistic youth. We will build parenting skills that families can use to help relieve the anxious suffering of their autistic children.

Register HERE

ANGP Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser: Spirit Week All-Night Grad Party Fundraiser All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

2/20 | 3/27 | 4/24 | 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

February 17 - President's Day (Holiday)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair

[email protected]

Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | February 4th, 2025

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.


Monday, February 17th, is President's Day which is an FCPS Holiday

Robinson International Show

The Robinson International Show has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 19th.  Tickets purchased for the original date will be honored.  You my still purchase tickets online here.  We look forward to seeing you!

Robinson Crew Boosters Club Fundraiser FIVE GUYS Robinson Rams Spirit Wear Sale

Robinson Rams Spirit Wear SALE ALERT!  For a limited time, take up to 50% off select spirit wear.  This is your chance to gear up for less, from hoodies and quarter zips to tees and shorts.  Check out the SALE today at!  While supplies last.

February SEO Meeting Social Work Spotlight Strat-O-Matic Baseball Club Meeting   Family Resource Center is Offering FREE Webinars with Dr. Dalton!

Parenting an Anxious Child :Counterintuitive yet Evidence-Based Skills and Strategies
February 21, 2025
1 - 2:30 p.m.
Join Dr. Jonathan Dalton, PhD, founder and director of the Center for Anxiety and Behavioral Change as he reviews the important differences between healthy and unhealthy anxiety with a focus on the role of avoidance in creating and maintaining anxiety disorders. We will discuss specific parenting techniques and approaches that families can begin using immediately to help reduce their children's experience of anxiety.

Anxiety in the Context of Autism: What Parents Need to Know
March 7, 2025
10 - 11:30 a.m.
Join Dr. Jonathan Dalton, PhD, founder and director of the Center for Anxiety and Behavioral Change as he presents on the critical differences in the treatment of anxiety in Neurotypical (allistic) and Autistic children. We will focus on the differences between fear and dread and why traditional anxiety treatment approaches are often insufficient when treating Autistic youth. We will build parenting skills that families can use to help relieve the anxious suffering of their autistic children.

Register HERE

Seussical the Musical | 2/14-2/22

Experience a magical, musical extravaganza with all your favorite Dr. Seuss characters! The Cat in the Hat and Horton the Elephant take you on a journey from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus to the World of the Who’s — and a little boy with a big imagination proves that a person is a person, no matter how small. This show is appropriate for ALL AGES.

ANGP Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser: Spirit Week All-Night Grad Party Fundraiser All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

2/20 | 3/27 | 4/24 | 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

February 17 - President's Day (Holiday)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair

[email protected]

Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | February 4th, 2025

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

February Is Career and Technical Education Month

By enrolling in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course or program, students learn the technical applications of many occupations while preparing for higher education or entry-level employment. A core program of CTE courses is offered in every middle and high school including Business and Information Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, Marketing, Technology and Engineering Education, and Trade and Industrial Education. Since this is an elective, course offerings may vary by school. Learn more on the FCPS CTE webpage

CTE also offers summer programs for students to explore their programs. Enroll now!

National School Counseling Week

February 3-7 is National School Counseling Week, and highlights the tremendous impact school counselors have in helping students achieve academic success and planning for a career.School counselors work with students in a variety of different capacities, whether it is through classroom lessons, group sessions, or individual counseling. Learn more about the role of school counselors in FCPS.

Inaugural Beyond the Battle Walk in memory of Vivian Seay Robinson International Show

The Robinson International Show has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 19th.  Tickets purchased for the original date will be honored.  You my still purchase tickets online here.  We look forward to seeing you!

Robinson Blood Drive

Due to weather closures/delays last week the Robinson Blood Drive was postponed until Friday, March 14th.  If students had a time-slot for the previous date, they will be automatically rescheduled for the same time on 3/14.  SGA will be advertising and scheduling more students as we get closer to March 14.  

Robinson Rams Spirit Wear Sale

Robinson Rams Spirit Wear SALE ALERT!  For a limited time, take up to 50% off select spirit wear.  This is your chance to gear up for less, from hoodies and quarter zips to tees and shorts.  Check out the SALE today at!  While supplies last.

Seussical the Musical | 2/14-2/22

Experience a magical, musical extravaganza with all your favorite Dr. Seuss characters! The Cat in the Hat and Horton the Elephant take you on a journey from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus to the World of the Who’s — and a little boy with a big imagination proves that a person is a person, no matter how small. This show is appropriate for ALL AGES.

Strat-O-Matic Baseball Club Meeting Service Learning Reminder All-Night Grad Party FAQs What is ANGP?

What is the All Night Graduation (Grad) Party (ANGP)?

The ANGP is a supervised, alcohol-free and drug-free celebration for Robinson’s Class of 2025.

Where is the ANGP?

The party is being held at Dave & Buster’s at Fair Oaks Mall.

When is the ANGP?

The party is from 11pm, Tuesday, May 27 to 4am on Wednesday, May 28, 2025.  

What will seniors do at the party?

Each senior will receive a Power Card loaded with $45 in credits plus unlimited video games (machines that don’t issue tickets.) In addition, seniors will have an opportunity to play a virtual reality game unique to Dave & Buster’s Fair Oaks location. We will also have casino games such as Blackjack and Texas Hold’em organized by a company that specializes in this type of entertainment. There will be an appetizer buffet and unlimited soda, bottled water, tea and coffee. There will also be a raffle with prizes such as AirPod Pros, Meta Quest 3S 128GB All-in-One Virtual Reality Head Set, Beats Studio Pro Bluetooth Wireless Headphones, and more awarded throughout the evening.

How much are the tickets?

Tickets are available through the end of January at the early bird rate of $100 each. Effective February 15, the price will go up to $125. The ticket price will go up to $150 on April 1. Parents are encouraged to purchase tickets as soon as your senior decides to attend the ANGP. Knowing how many seniors to expect is very helpful for the planning process. Please note tickets are nonrefundable except in the event of a schedule conflict with a school-related, required activity.  

How can I purchase a ticket for my senior?

Tickets are available for purchase on the ANGP website at

 Is financial assistance available?

Please contact [email protected] to request financial assistance.

How does the ANGP Planning Committee pay for the party?

The committee uses a combination of proceeds from ticket sales and funds received from various fundraisers. We also hope to have a few event sponsors.

What fundraisers does ANGP coordinate?

We sold cotton candy at the home football games. We helped with parking for Clifton Day. We have an ongoing sale of Robinson pajama pants. Please contact Nicole Doherty via the Robinson Rams Class of 2025 Parents, Fairfax VA Facebook group for more information. We sell senior yard signs. We are attempting to schedule restaurant benefit nights. We have an annual mulch sale in the February-March timeframe. We are attempting to collect donated items and services for an online auction in March. Check out our website soon for an opportunity to donate for a chance to win 6 reserved seats at graduation.

I missed the first opportunity to purchase yard signs. Will there be another opportunity?

Tentative dates for the second and final yard sign sale are January 25-February 6, 2025. Yard signs are sold on the ANGP website at We offer grad signs and personalized signs. The personalized signs can be displayed in your yard or at the school close to the end of the school year. Please contact Nicole Gonzalez at [email protected] with any questions.

Who’s on the ANGP Planning Committee?

The ANGP Planning Committee is made up of parents just like you. Current volunteers include: Sherry Noud, Chair; Cheryl Osborne, Treasurer; Nicole Maaguo, Webmaster; Nicole Gonzalez, Senior Yard Signs; Nicole Doherty, Pajama Pants; Crystal Alexander, Cotton Candy Sales, Mulch Sale; Katy Frank, ANGP Ticket Sales; Allison Day, Fundraising; Amanda Hersey, Event Coordinator; Shannon Meehan, Restaurant Benefit Nights Coordinator; Ben Eckman, ANGP Emcee, and Devita Booker, Volunteer.

Does the ANGP Planning Committee need any help?

Yes, we need a lot of help. We need help with publicity such as making flyers and posting on social media. We need help updating our website. We need many volunteers to assist with delivering mulch March 14-16. We need donations for the online auction in March and for the raffle at the event. We need volunteers to help chaperone the event, manage the auction and deal for casino games. We need a volunteer to put together a slide show to be played during the event. We are also open to suggestions for volunteer roles.

How can I get involved with the ANGP Planning Committee?

Please reach out to Sherry Noud at [email protected] or Cheryl Osborne at [email protected] and/or come to one of our monthly meetings to get involved. The schedule for meetings is: February 20, March 27, April 24 and May 22. Meetings are held in the meeting room at the rear of the recital hall. Any changes to meeting dates or location will be announced in the Robinson Rams Parents of the Class of 2025 Facebook group.

ANGP Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser: Spirit Week All-Night Grad Party Fundraiser All Night Grad Party Fundraiser

Please see the flyers below about a fundraiser for all night grad party at Chipotle!

All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

2/20 | 3/27 | 4/24 | 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

February 6 - 100th Day of School

February 17 - President's Day (Holiday)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair

[email protected]

Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | January 27th, 2025

GovDelivery1 month 4 weeks ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

Lunar New Year and the end of quarter 2 are on Wednesday, January 29. The day will be a teacher work day and there will be no school for students. See the complete school year calendar

Cheer Coach of the Year Inaugural Beyond the Battle Walk in memory of Vivian Seay Robinson International Show

The Robinson International Show has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 19th.  Tickets purchased for the original date will be honored.  You my still purchase tickets online here.  We look forward to seeing you!

Robinson Blood Drive

Due to weather closures/delays last week the Robinson Blood Drive was postponed until Friday, March 14th.  If students had a time-slot for the previous date, they will be automatically rescheduled for the same time on 3/14.  SGA will be advertising and scheduling more students as we get closer to March 14.  

Seussical the Musical | 2/14-2/22

Experience a magical, musical extravaganza with all your favorite Dr. Seuss characters! The Cat in the Hat and Horton the Elephant take you on a journey from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus to the World of the Who’s — and a little boy with a big imagination proves that a person is a person, no matter how small. This show is appropriate for ALL AGES.

Strat-O-Matic Baseball Club Meeting Speech and Debate Student/Adult Volunteers Needed! All Night Grad Party Fundraiser

Please see the flyers below about a fundraiser for all night grad party at Chipotle!

All-Night Grad Party Tickets on Sale Now! All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

2/20 | 3/27 | 4/24 | 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Weather Related Closures and Delays

Information regarding school delays and closures can be found in a variety of ways (email, website, twitter, etc.).  Please see the resources on this page to learn more about school closures and access resources if needed.

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

January 28 - End of Quarter 2

January 29 - Teacher Work Day (Student Holiday)

February 17 - President's Day (Holiday)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair

[email protected]

Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | January 20th, 2025

GovDelivery2 months ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

Schools and offices are closed Monday, January 20, to celebrate and reflect on the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday

Girls XC Coach Of The Year! Robinson International Show

The Robinson International Show has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 19th.  Tickets purchased for the original date will be honored.  You my still purchase tickets online here.  We look forward to seeing you!

Robinson Blood Drive - 1/23 PTSO Staff Support!

Let's spread some sunshine to our hardworking staff! There is a Zen Den that could use some goodies and some Keurig coffee pods, too! 

Our Robinson PTSO would like to support our school by having some goodies for all our staff who are working hard at Robinson, just as we have done in the past. 

We are collecting store bought individually wrapped crackers, chips, candy or snacks. They will most likely be distributed in the TWELVE (!!!) staff workrooms and to our custodial staff and security staff.

Please label any donations "Robinson PTSO" drop off any drinks or goodies to door 1 at Robinson.  Donations will be appreciated from now until February 28.  You may also drop off any donations to Maria Schafer's covered porch near the Burke Centre Library Please email at [email protected] for the address.  

There is also a Sign Up Genius:

2025 Winter Goodies for our Staffulty

PTSO Spirit Night - 1/21 Speech and Debate Student/Adult Volunteers Needed! Robinson E-Sports Interest Meeting All Night Grad Party Fundraiser

Please see the flyers below about a fundraiser for all night grad party at Chipotle!

Rams Minds Matter Meetings All-Night Grad Party Tickets on Sale Now! All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

1/23; 2/20; 3/27; 4/24; 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Weather Related Closures and Delays

Information regarding school delays and closures can be found in a variety of ways (email, website, twitter, etc.).  Please see the resources on this page to learn more about school closures and access resources if needed.

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Welcome Back! As we set intentions for 2025, we invite you and your family to participate in this Gratitude Challenge.

Happy New Year!
Robinson’s Librarians

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

January 28 - End of Quarter 2

January 29 - Teacher Work Day (Student Holiday)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair

[email protected]

Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | January 13th, 2025

GovDelivery2 months 1 week ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

We want to highlight that January is National Mentoring Month

The FCPS MentorWorks program matches mentors with students in schools near where they live or work. They meet for at least 30 minutes a week. Learn more about how to become a mentor for an FCPS student. Contact Martha Macdonald, mentoring specialist, for additional information at [email protected]

Robinson Curriculum Night

We invite parents of all rising 7th-12th graders to attend our curriculum night and learn more about the wide array of courses available to students.  

This will take place on January 15th from 5:00pm-8:00pm but we encourage you to visit this link to find more information about the event.

Robinson International Show

The Robinson International Show unfortunately needed to postpone their show due to school closures.  We will communicate and advertise the new date and time as soon as we are able.

All Night Grad Party Fundraiser

Please see the flyers below about a fundraiser for all night grad party at Chipotle!

Rams Minds Matter Meetings All-Night Grad Party Tickets on Sale Now! All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

1/23; 2/20; 3/27; 4/24; 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Lightspeed Parent Reports

FCPS has tools to help parents know more about their child’s activity on any FCPS device. These tools are provided at no cost to families by Lightspeed, the school division’s internet content filtering service.

Parents may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites your child visited. The report also offers parents the ability to sign up for free access to the Internet Use Parent Portal. Through the portal, parents may pause their child’s access to the internet on their FCPS device during non-school hours.

Learn more about Lightspeed Parent Reports.

Weather Related Closures and Delays

Information regarding school delays and closures can be found in a variety of ways (email, website, twitter, etc.).  Please see the resources on this page to learn more about school closures and access resources if needed.

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Welcome Back! As we set intentions for 2025, we invite you and your family to participate in this Gratitude Challenge.

Happy New Year!
Robinson’s Librarians

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

January 20 - Inauguration Day (Holiday)

January 28 - End of Quarter 2

January 29 - Teacher Work Day (Student Holiday)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | January 6th, 2025

GovDelivery2 months 2 weeks ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

 Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing students and staff once FCPS schools reopen from the weather related closure.

Weather Related Closures and Delays

Information regarding school delays and closures can be found in a variety of ways (email, website, twitter, etc.).  Please see the resources on this page to learn more about school closures and access resources if needed.

Lightspeed Parent Reports

FCPS has tools to help parents know more about their child’s activity on any FCPS device. These tools are provided at no cost to families by Lightspeed, the school division’s internet content filtering service.

Parents may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites your child visited. The report also offers parents the ability to sign up for free access to the Internet Use Parent Portal. Through the portal, parents may pause their child’s access to the internet on their FCPS device during non-school hours.

Learn more about Lightspeed Parent Reports.

Robinson International Show Rams Minds Matter Meetings All-Night Grad Party Tickets on Sale Now! All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

1/23; 2/20; 3/27; 4/24; 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

January 20 - Inauguration Day (Holiday)

January 28 - End of Quarter 2

January 29 - Teacher Work Day (Student Holiday)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | December 16, 2024

GovDelivery3 months 1 week ago

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

As a reminder, winter break will be held Monday, December 23, to Friday, January 3. To help make sure you and your children have a restful break, we have asked that no homework be assigned during this time. Teachers may assign long-range assignments in the weeks ahead of the break, allowing students to practice time management skills, but no assignments will be due immediately following the break. We look forward to welcoming students back in the new year.

Robinson Winter Food Drive Lightspeed Parent Reports

FCPS has tools to help parents know more about their child’s activity on any FCPS device. These tools are provided at no cost to families by Lightspeed, the school division’s internet content filtering service.

Parents may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites your child visited. The report also offers parents the ability to sign up for free access to the Internet Use Parent Portal. Through the portal, parents may pause their child’s access to the internet on their FCPS device during non-school hours.

Learn more about Lightspeed Parent Reports.

Students please join us in the library to pick out some great books before winter break! Browse the shelves or ask a librarian for a recommendation.

When school is closed over break, please visit the Robinson Library website to access our digital library collection - eBooks and audiobooks - for fantastic titles that can be checked out from home!

Wishing you all a safe and relaxing winter break!
Robinson’s Librarians

Robinson International Show Rams Minds Matter Meetings All-Night Grad Party Tickets on Sale Now! All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

12/19; 1/23; 2/20; 3/27; 4/24; 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Order Your 2024-25 Yearbook! Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (Holiday)

January 20 - Inauguration Day (Holiday)

January 28 - End of Quarter 2

January 29 - Teacher Work Day (Student Holiday)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

Robinson Student Ram Page | December 9, 2024

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Providing students and parents with important updates and reports of events and happenings in the high school.

Outstanding Employee Award Winners

Hi Ram Fam!
Check out this year’s Outstanding Employee Award winners with their big fake $1,000,000 checks! We’re so lucky to have these amazing educators in our building! Thank you so much to those of you that sent in nominations this year. We will share your write-ups with all the teachers.

Robinson Tree Sale

Robinson will be selling trees while supplies last, hurry to get yours today!

Robinson Winter Food Drive Chorus Fundraiser at Chipotle Social Work Spotlight  Kristen Licciardo

Community Resource Information for Reference

Robinson Families,

Thank you to all the families who donated card games last month. We appreciate your generosity, and our students will enjoy the new games!


Robinson’s Librarians

Robinson International Show SEO Meeting All-Night Grad Party Tickets on Sale Now! All-Night Grad Party Committee Meetings

If you're interested in attending the all-night grad party committee meetings the dates and information are below:

12/19; 1/23; 2/20; 3/27; 4/24; 5/22

Location: Recital Hall

Time: 7:30-9pm

Contact: [email protected]

Order Your 2024-25 Yearbook! Afternoon Solutions

Afternoon Solutions is an opportunity for high school students to stay after on Mondays and get help from teachers on homework or assignments, studying for tests, time management, organization, and more. Students are asked to go to the cafeteria after school to attend.

Class of 2025 Information

Please follow this link for information on class of 2025 items including our graduation on 5/27 at 9:30am at EagleBank Arena

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (Holiday)

January 20 - Inauguration Day (Holiday)

January 28 - End of Quarter 2

January 29 - Teacher Work Day (Student Holiday)

Quick Links & Phone Numbers Helpful Resources Student Services Department Contacts Alpha Name of Counselor Email A-Bot Jason Woehrmyer [email protected] Bou-Dem Tim Denny [email protected] Dep-Gra Katharine Dingwall [email protected] Gre-Kar Chehnaz Rehayem [email protected] Kas-Maq Mark Gomperts [email protected] Mar-Nun              Danny Ramirez                  [email protected] Nuo-Rom            Diana Glakas                     [email protected] Rop-Tok              Brianne Fernandez            [email protected] Tol-Z                    Rachel DiBartolo [email protected]       High School Administration Danny Clements 9th Grade [email protected] Jennifer Krempasky 10th Grade [email protected] Scot Turner 11th Grade [email protected] Jason Kagarise 12th Grade [email protected] Susie Britton Special Ed AP [email protected] Chelsea Bruno Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Cary Seago Special Ed Dept. Chair [email protected] Activities and Athletics Director - Student Activities      Andy Jimmo [email protected] Administrative Assistant             Amanda Livingston [email protected]

5035 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.426.2102
Attendance: 703.426.6040 | Web | Twitter

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