Registration, Guidelines, & Hours

Registration Form 

Students are encouraged to join clubs of interest to connect with their peers and adult sponsors!


The After-School Registration Form(link is external) must be completed before students participate in any after school activities. Once submitted, students are welcome to participate in any after school clubs and activities offered during the 2024-25 school year. 

Programs sponsored by a community partner will require additional parental authorization. 

The Basics:

  • After school activities and late bus service begins on 9/9/2024. Program details are posted in the News You Choose weekly bulletin, The Ram Blast, and on grade level Schoology Groups.
  • A club and activity list will be posted quarterly in the Schoology Resources tab.
  • Club and activity options are organized by day and posted on the Schoology event calendar.
  • Students sign-up for clubs using the After School Sign-up form posted each late bus day on Schoology. 
  • Students are responsible for selecting one activity each day from the activity calendar, following sign-up instructions, and reporting to the activity location by 3:00pm.
  • Students remain in their activity with a supervising sponsor until dismissal at 4:30pm.
  • Bus riders are assigned a late bus. This assignment is viewable in SIS under student information. Bus routes are also posted in each sub-school office window.
  • Students need to communicate with their parent in advance to obtain permission to stay after school with one of their teachers or for an activity. Each sub school office has a student phone, if needed. 
  • Athletic footwear and appropriate attire are required for all sports and fitness activities unless instructed otherwise by the activity sponsor or coach.
  • If allowed based on current health and safety protocols, PE lockers may be utilized after school if a lock is used to secure belongings. This will be determined at a later date. 
  • Cell phone use is at the discretion of the activity sponsor.
  • Students must be supervised while on campus after school and may not leave campus and return to ride the late bus home.
  • FCPS Students' Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R and school rules) apply during the after school period.

Helpful Hints: 

  • Students are encouraged to use the current quarter schedule to plan their time after school and to check the activity calendar on Schoology or the activity schedule posted daily on the locker bay TV for meeting locations.
  • Stay informed of new activities by listening to announcements on Ram TV, during lunch, and by checking their grade level Schoology Group for updates and resources posted. 
  • Attend interest meetings to learn more about a club or activity, if offered.
  • Certain activities will require an application or registration due to program design. Follow instructions provided. These forms can be found in the Schoology Resources tab. 
  • See Ms. Molle during your lunch period in the cafeteria to get your questions answered.  
  • Parents are welcome to contact the After School Program office by calling 703-426-2339 to verify attendance. 
  • If a student needs to leave an activity prior to dismissal, the parent should contact the activity sponsor, supervising teacher, or After School Program office so arrangements can be made for pick-up.

School Contact:

Courtney Molle, After School Program Specialist | | 703-426-2339