Graduation 2018
Robinson's Graduating Class of 2018

On June 7th, 2018, our graduating seniors walked across the stage at the Eagle Bank Arena at George Mason University to receive their diplomas. Our students were supported by so many along their journey; teachers, counselors, librarians, support staff, administrative assistants, administrators, security staff, volunteer parent organizations, community members, and most importantly, their families. We wish the class of 2018 all the best in their bright futures.
You will always be a RAM!
Graduation Committee
Graduation cannot happen without a fantastic graduation committee. Robinson's Graduation Committee Members and their roles are listed below.
Liz Spoone is our Graduation Committee Lead, Ram Fan and #1 Caps Fan! Go Caps!!
Steve Snyder and Keith Beale designed and made our new banners!!
Asha Jones and Carrie Garvey designed our new programs (Did you check them out? They were beautiful!)
Martha Kogan always goes above and beyond every year making sure all the names are correct and in the right order!
Lisa Gould, Matt Eline's Administrative Assistant, is always so gracious and provides fantastic hospitality.
Amy Hard is Liz Spoone's Right Hand Woman. Liz says, "I couldn’t do it without her!"
How They Got There
In addition to the ceremony, our seniors practiced for graduation in the Field House at Robinson on June 6th, which was followed by a picnic. We also had a senior parade in which 200 of our graduates walked the halls of Robinson and the feeder elementary schools in the Robinson Pyramid. Thank you to Robbie Ram and the Robinson Drumline, who lead the way.
Our seniors attended Prom on June 1st after finishing up final exams, final projects, final concerts, SOL Tests, IB and AP tests during the month of May. Some of our graduates were also recognized at the Senior Awards Ceremony on June 4th.
Please enjoy the photos below and make sure you follow @Ram_Snaps & @RobinsonSSNews on Twitter.