Robinson Head Start
Robinson Secondary School has a Head Start Program. Once in awhile, you will see our smallest Rams out and about the school. Sometimes they visit the principal. Sometimes they visit the library for a story, and sometimes they get visitors. On April 4th they were visited by a firefighter and his team.
Below you will see our Head Start kids:
- Playing with homemade play dough. Making letters, shapes and using cookie cutters
- Carving a pumpkin and using our senses to learn all about it. We felt the insides, smelled it, and even made pumpkin ice cream.
- Acting out the story of the Three Little Pigs
- Working in our journals with the help of the ECC teen teachers. We write/draw in our journals weekly, getting us ready for kindergarten.
- Reading in our classroom library. We use our library daily and even get to visit the Robinson library monthly. When we visit the Robinson library we listen to stories and get to check out books to keep in our classroom.
Check out our smallest Rams!