Robinson FBLA Members Achieve Greener Future for Clifton with New Recycling Bin!

School-wide Spotlight
April 29, 2024

Robinson FBLA members Shaan Agarwal and DK Nguyen are being celebrated for their impactful community service project that brings glass recycling to Clifton!  Recognizing the lack of convenient glass recycling options in Clifton, Shaan and DK decided to tackle this issue head-on. They collaborated closely with Fairfax County Waste Management facilities to secure a purple glass recycling bin for the town.  Their dedication went above and beyond. To achieve their goal, they had to navigate a series of approvals, culminating in a meeting with the Clifton Town Council to secure permission for the bin's placement.  Their hard work paid off! On Monday, April 29th, Shaan and DK participated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the brand new recycling station in Clifton. This marks a significant step towards a more sustainable future for the town.

 The Robinson community and FBLA are incredibly proud of Shaan Agarwal and DK Nguyen for their initiative and perseverance. Their commitment to environmental responsibility serves as an inspiration to us all.