Grow Yourself and Grow Together

After School Program

There is something for everyone at Robinson, so get involved! 

Don't see something for you? Create it! Talk with a staff member about how to start a club or activity.

Distance Learning Information

Stay connected and engaged in learning. This information can help if you have questions about distance learning.

Talk With Your Teachers

Each teacher holds office hours during virtual learning or a day that they stay after school during in-person instruction. These are great ways to connect with your teachers, to get help, and to check your knowledge. 

It's also recommended to begin emailing your teachers during middle school. They love hearing from you and it's a great way to check in, build your relationship, and to take ownership of your learning!

Tips for Student Success

Middle school is an opportunity to meet new people as you explore who you are and what you want to do with the rest of your life. It also presents challenges, as there are a lot of things that are changing in your life. You are faced with bigger emotions, more responsibilities, choices, and decisions to make. You now have six or more teachers. More is expected of you by teachers, your parents, other adults, and your peers. Here are a few tips to help you in your middle school years. Students can start practicing these strategies to take control and create personal success!

Be organized

a. Use your agenda/planner everyday

b. Should you keep a long-term calendar? Maybe you use a notebook for each subject? Try different

options and find a system that works for you.

c. Regularly clean out your locker, backpack, folders, and notebooks

d. File tests and old papers to study later in the unit or year

Do your homework

In middle school teachers expect more of you. You will have more homework, so manage your time wisely. Allot a certain amount of time each day for homework and study. Don’t wait until an assignment is due, start early. Keep track of your homework assignments.

Talk to your teachers

Ask questions. If you are unsure of your assignment, what you need to be doing, or of anything, just ask. The teachers are there to help you. If you do not understand something, ask them.

Get involved in the Robinson After School Program

We are constantly learning more about ourselves and the things we enjoy. Getting involved in the Robinson After School Program is easy and fun! You’ll find things that you enjoy like sports, clubs, and other activities. This is a great way to meet new people, learn about your skills and talents, and to have fun!

Great effort brings good grades

Work smart from the start! Turn your homework in on time, ask questions, and if you fall behind, ask for help.

Stay healthy

Exercise, eat well and get a good night’s sleep.  

Talk to your parents

Let them know what is going on. 

Find an adult you trust to talk to when you have problems

Peers don’t have all the answers and often have similar questions as you! Along with your family, find a school staff person, coach, or other adult to speak with.

Be selective with friendships

Friendships come and go. Be open to meeting new friends. Often the best friends share similar values to you and your family.

Come to school and have fun

Whether in-person or virtually, learning takes participation…attend!